
Showing posts from March, 2020

#SCSuggests - Quarantine "Boredom" Saviour - Part 2

It's Quarantine Week 2 and we are successfully fighting against Corona, but boredom definitely is taking over us in this social distancing. To kick-start binge and kick out the boredom , we have come with yet another interestingly curated list of Movies and TV Series. Click on the titles to watch the respective Trailers Movies - Virus What better timing it can be to watch a Medico-Pandemic Thriller in the times of Quarantine. Kerala’s brave-hearted Medical Professionals and the statesmen have to stop the rapid outbreak of Nipah Virus, which has already and is taking the lives of many.                                        With a riveting screenplay and excellent directing assets, Virus sets a bar high in terms of Cinema, not only in India but also Worldwide. The way the movie gets shot in Neon tones of OT’s Reds and Greens, signifying that it’s just not the patients in Hospitals to have Intensively cared but the entire public to be taken care of

#SCSuggests - Quarantine "Boredom" Saviour

It'll take time since you get back to your theatre seat and grab a tub of popcorn. To become your #BoredomSaviour, we have an interesting list of 3 movies for your love of Cinema. Psycho " A psycho killer is on loose. It has been 18 months since the police have taken up this case and still hasn’t solved it. A blind man begins to take up this case to get back his love held captive by this Psycho, solving the case not just by merely seeing the crime. The physical and mental darkness existing in the characters becomes the media of understanding and solving crime. " Though atavistically violent, Mysskin’s magic and Ilayaraaja’s Score bring out a grim universe where even silence feels orchestrated and unsettling. Watch Psycho Trailer  -                             Mysskin’s works tip-off to be very artsy and abstract all the time. Psycho is no exception to that, but it isn’t your normal Psycho Killer