Revisiting Indian Cinema of 10's (A Sunday Digest) - Perception of Filmmaking

What is Filmmaking According to you?

Cinema’s beauty lies in its Rhetoric Nature, where, the cosmos gets equally filled with, ideas and executions, art and technique, also something abstract and real. It can be said that here, something as Vague as a dream is captured to be made figurative for its beauty of possibility. That is, in a very blithe stroke, Filmmaking for us.


This Craft gets propelled by such ideas, which, due to the thinking, lifestyle and the world, finds a new colour every day, along with Perspectives finding a new shade.


Cinema reinvents itself ever so often into a more creative and expressive medium as an art or as a culmination of art forms. The new notions we sprout out in this "Millenial Age", such as “Coming of Age” or “Ahead of its Time”, only when you think of it, rather than being futuristic or Unforeseen, the movies tagged as above have actually redefined or deservingly defined Cinema, perfectly-staying true to the time. For the coming Sunday, we will shed light upon the discussion of "New Age" films of the '10s.


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